Trust1Validation validates single or multiple signatures of a PDF(/A) document or a certificate chain.
This product can be used by
SME's that need to be able to validate a signed document
Integrators that are building a solution in which validation of signatures is necessary. A redirect to the webservice is the only thing you need to do
Multinationals that need an on- premise validation tool in which their specific Trusted List can be added
Awesome features for SME's
Web service
Validate one or multiple signatures of a document via a web service. Indeed, as simple as that. You only upload your document to a website
No Trace
The document will only be stored temporarily. A few seconds after validations it is removed leaving NO TRACE of your document on our servers
EU eIDValidation of all European eIDs (European Trusted List: EUTL)
Simple reports
Download a simple report indicating the status of the signature and if applicable the reason of invalidity.
Extended reports with detailed information on the validity of signatures that can be downloaded
Extended reports
In need to sign documents as well, just take a look at Trust1SimpleSign. The validation feature is built in in Trust1SimpleSign. It enables you to combine both digital signing and validation when using this app.
Simple Sign
Awesome features for Multinationals
Trust1Validation is also available as a container
Your own Trusted List
Next to the validation with the EUTL, you also can add your OWN Trusted List
Possibility to brand to your specifications