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Not another digital wallet but an integratable decentralised identity broker to enable wallet providers

It is an essential component for all kinds of digital wallets that permits these wallets to be compliant with the European Legislation.

Wallid is a tool that permits you to integrate the concepts of derived identities, level of assurance and verifiable claims


A digital wallet should be more than just a storage room of your personal information. 


It should be a tool for a user to easily identify themselves  and keep the user’s personal information up to date. But most of all it keeps the user in control & charge of all the data that is shared with platforms.

Wallid is NOT a digital wallet, but a technical component that enables companies to create a digital wallet that is compliant with the European Legislation (GDPR, PSD2, SSI and eIDAS). 

Not another digital wallet

Wallid is crafted in alignment with our vision  of what should be the ideal functions & characteristics of digital wallet 

Please read our blog on this subject that also clarifies the concepts of SSI, derived identities, level of assurance and verifiable claims


This product can be used by

Integrators who want to build a mobile app where authentication and level of assurance are key.

Fintechs and payment platforms who want to increase the assurance level on transactions and minimise fraud or non-payment

Awesome features


Wallid is able to onboard and dematerialize all kinds of IDs (drivers licences, ID-cards, fleetcards etc.)

Certificate Chain

Wallid is able to retrieve certificate chains of all kinds of IDs 


Wallid is able to verify the validity of the certificate chain

Level of Assurance

All of this can be stored in a mobile app where the user can (be asked to) add a proof to upgrade his level of assurance. Eg. add your university degree to proof that you are qualified for a job.


the user is in full control of his data (SSI compliant).

GDPR Compliance

The solution is GDPR compliant as no personal data leaves the wallet

Verifiable claims

Simple integration with a Ledger and/or a Payment Platform: it only delivers a verifiable claim which is easy to integrate

White Label

OEM product that easily integrates with other applications


Compliant with GDPR, PSD2, eIDAS and SSI

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