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Trust1Connector - Release 3.7.11

Writer's picture: trust1teamtrust1team

Updated: Mar 27, 2024

16/1/2024 1Trust1team - Published on : 30/10/2023 - Last update :

Hello Dear Reader !

Welcome to the Trust1Connector solution evolution, corrections, modifications blog! Here we discuss what's new in the version 3.7.11 which replaces the version 3.7.9 and 3.7.10

In this blog, you will find a summary of the new features of this release. Then in a second part, you will have more information on resolved issues.

Finally, we will give you a sneak preview of the new products that will be launched at the end of the year!

Enjoy reading !


Overview of the newly added features

The biggest announcement for this version is that it supports three of our new products

Local Signing App

More on this extraordinary app in our next blog on this product. We still need to find a good name for it...


The Truststore application is an add-on to the Trust1Connector. The Trust1Connector enables multiple hardware keys to be used for authentication and digital signing use cases.

The Truststore adds an integration with local keystore using system APIs

  • MSCAPI/CNG (Windows)

  • Keychain (Mac/OSX)

Validation Services

The validation service is a web application that validates a single or multiple signatures of a pdf(a) document or a certificate chain.

This service is based on the European Commision Open Standards

Trust1Connector Updates

Here is a summary of all the changes made on the Trust1Connector. But as this is a bit nerdy stuff, here are the main reasons for you to upgrade to this version

  1. We finalised the integration the PKCS#11 protocol which enables to Trust1Connector to us certificates that are stored in the keystores of Mac and Microsoft.

  2. We have really been working on stability of the Trust1Connector. From rock solid we have made it double rock solid.

  3. The newest (announced) versions of browsers will have an updated PNA specification. This was announced for Google Chrome v117. Older versions of the Trust1Connector will not work with the new PNA specifications.

  4. We have added an initial version of a debugging tool. It is still a bit nerdy, but does some basic checks on the Trust1Connector and helps you trouble shoot your users in case of issues.


  1. You probably know that we have a Web Application of ReadMyCards available for demonstration and showcase ( Well, we have added additional documentation to that one.

We are looking forward to receiving your feedback on this new release! Put them in mail to or create a ticket in our service desk.

List of the newly added features

✅ Update of PNA specification

The upcoming version of browsers will have updated PNA secifications. Announced Google Chrome v117.

✅ Debugging tool

Initial version of an independant debugger. Some basic checks are done that wil help when troubleshooting.

✅ Key rotation on local device

The Trust1Connector now supports key rotation on local devices from the application consumer

✅ Data Digest before signing

As an integrator I can ask T1C to digest data before sign for each module

✅ Integration of PKCS#11 finalized

Update Cryptoki on Mac/Win for updated PKCS11 drivers

✅ Tracing Events

We have added tracing events to the connector api and registry.

✅ Update of the CLI Parser

The Trust1Connector is using CLAP as CLI Parser. We have updated CLAP to v4.

✅ Update of RUST

The Trust1Connector is using RUST as a programming language. We have upgraded to RUST EDITION 2021

✅ ReadMyCards web application documentation

You probably know that we have a Web Application of ReadMyCards available for demonstration and showcase ( Well, we have added additional documentation to that one.

✅ Version of the Trust1Connecor

Oops...we have added more clearly the version the Trust1Connector in the installer.


Overview of resolved bugs


Validate and consent Lock error on mutex now returns a proper try again later error

🔺DS Dashboard

Not all transactions were visible in the DS dashboard. This issue has been resolved.

🔺Connector Upgrade

There is no longer a refresh needed when polling during connector update/upgrade


What's planned for the next releases ?

Ofcourse we continue to upgrade and maintain the connector but in 2024 we will focus on launching our new product:

mobile identity wallet

Simplify onboarding of identity and claims, leaving control of data and identity to your user. More information coming soon....


If you need more information about our authentication solution, get in touch and we will be happy to help you secure your data.

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